Do Schools Drug Test Teachers?

The answer may surprise you

by The True Negative

As we have covered in earlier posts, employment drug testing falls within the realm of legality, and in certain public “safety” jobs, drug testing goes without questioning when workplace intoxication could endanger the public. So what about teachers? Are public school teachers drug tested? You don’t have to think too hard to imagine what could possibly go wrong if teachers showed up under the influence. Surprisingly, only one teacher so far has reported being drug tested. This teacher, teaching at a school in Toledo Ohio, received a pre-employment drug test, noting “These were routine tests given to all employees. Having never done illegal drugs, I did not worry about them.”

Of the remaining schools we have data on in Oregon, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Utah, and New York, no teachers or staff reported being drug tested. It’s safe to say that if you’re a teacher, you probably don’t have to worry too much about routine pre-employment or on-the-job drug tests.

Are you a teacher? Whether you were drug tested or not, The True Negative wants to hear from you! Please take two minutes to submit information on your drug testing experience here.

The True Negative's plethora of drug testing information is designed to help you find a company that matches your lifestyle. However, it's always possible that you may receive an unexpected drug test. When this is the case, products such as TestClear's proven detox solutions are invaluable in helping you test negative on short notice.

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